Can't generate thumbnails? No errors?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have installed this filebrowser but nothing is showing when I try to generate the thumbnails. I have tripple checked all the permissions and they are all in order as is all the files that were part of the install. When I click the Generate Thumbnails button after selecting my images, it just submits to the next page but doesn't seem to be processing anything. The query string is: photos/thumbnailer.php?did=0&PageAction=Generate&ImageID%5B%5D=1&ImageID%5B%5D=2&ImageID%5B%5D=3&btnSubmit=Generate+Thumbnails Just wondering what am I expecting to see on the next page? Weird thing also there is no errors being displayed? PHP 4.3.7 GD - bundled (2.0.23 compatible) Thanks for any help! Egon


  • Ok, from looking at other posts... seems as though there could be some issues with the jpg types? I have only copied these from my digital camera but seems something is amiss. I have never had issues with digital camera issues before... so I'm very confused as to what could be causing these issues. I have hundreds of images that are about 1.5mb, so not sure if the size is what is causing the problems? I have done the echoing of certain functions but all seems ok, ie echo("<div>Found AddError</div>"); Any ideas anyone??? Cheers Egon
  • right! this is purely a size issue! does anyone know how we can thumbnail larger images??? cheers Egon
  • You're not the only one

    It's probably a GD bug.
  • I took what was probably the long winded route. Any large images I thumbnailed on my machine and then uploaded the resulting _thumb file. Not had a problem yet.
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