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Custom short urls with YOURLS

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hey guys, just a heads up on an awesome script I found. YOURLS is a self-hosted URL shortener with a kickass API that allows you to do all sorts of neat things- namely shorten URLs from a different domain.

I run a forum with a long-ish URL and wanted something shorter to share socially, so I setup YOURLS on a short domain and had it creating short URLs for every page on my forum install in minutes.

Just thought I'd pass the link along to those of you looking to add more social components to your pages and maybe not wanting to rely on 3rd party services quite as much.


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    And please don't take this as spam or linkbait- I'm an actual user that found great value in the script and just wanted to share!
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    Care to share more information on how you did this?

    I'm using YOURLS and i was hoping to achieve something similar.
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