Any music sites using Vanilla yet?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just wondering.... I go on a lot of dance forums and 99% of them are phpbb and ugly little things!


  • edited January 2006
    I've yet to come across any forums on my own using Vanilla :(. (like not linked from this site)
  • C-uniT: Me too. But seriously.. Vanilla 0.9.3 is gonna explode, so will probably 1.0. I think quoting, attachments and polls were the big things that people were missing to use Vanilla. These are all coming as extensions. Perhaps also subforums.. But just some sort of header for groups of categories should be enough for most people.

    But Vanilla is going to make it so easy for people to make lovely looking forums, and that's a big appeal to webdesigners.
  • edited January 2006
    The only features I really want are grouped catogories and quoting, attachments and polls are no biggie. Bergamot has a pretty neat quote feature on his forum!
  • edited January 2006
    Thanks :) Sadly, my site is down due to network (read:network administrator) problems, but it should be back up in a day or two, and I can get back to work on extensionifying the quote button. You'll know that my site is back online because my comment icon will reappear.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Aww -that sucks, bergamot. What service provider are you using?
  • edited January 2006
    That's pretty much the problem; I'm not.

    It's a school gaming organization, so it's just running on a box sitting in the back room of the telecom lab. The whole lab is undergoing a major network reorganization, the Network Czar has shut down the port the machine was running on with only vague explanation, and everyone was too busy running wires and moving crap around that sorting it out was not really a priority. Meanwhile, I'm 200 miles away for winter break.

    Probably tomorrow I'll get a decent explanation out of the guy, and have it back online sometime next week.

    As far as the quote button is concerned, I've reuploaded the javascript file to a server that is still running.

    Things that need to be done in an extension:

    1. quote.js should be added to the head of any page with comments

    2. quote.css should be added to the head of any page with comments

    3. This should be added inside each comment's div.CommentOptions element (I put it after all the other links for consistency, but it can go anywhere as long as it's in div.CommentOptions):
    <div class="CommentQuote"><a onClick="quote(this);">quote</a></div>
    Currently, on my site, I'm doing all the above by modifying templates, but I see no reason why it wouldn't be really easy to make it into an extension; I just keep putting it off.
  • does that quoting function work independant of how you format your comment?
  • edited January 2006
    I designed it so that it would be easy to change on a per-site basis, so if you want to use BBCode-style rectangular brackets that's easy to do. Also if you want to map a particular html tag to it's corresponding bbcode tag, that's easy too. It does not check what format the user has set, but it certainly could with a simple if block placed around the bracket definitions. I figured that most sites wouldn't have more than one non-text format option anyway.
  • I haven't checked the javascript instensively, but I assume the work still works without JS enabled?

    For those without JS enabled, are they going to be able to quote?
  • edited January 2006
    nick1presta: I didn't want to have to force a page reload every time someone wanted to quote something. Quoting is not primary functionality; with javascript turned off they would be no worse off than we are right now, and completely capable of copying text to the comment field manually and putting blockquote tags around it. If the comments field was on a different page, I'd consider it, but I see no reason not to use a client-side solution. Originally, I wanted to add the "quote" links themselves in javascript, so they wouldn't appear unless javascript was enabled. Sadly, I never got that to work right.
  • it's more of my own music project website, but i've been using vanilla for a while now to archive my songs. made categories for each project - each song gets a thread type of thing. and i have tried in vain to get some old music friend to go with vanilla, but they are ez-boarders. ... you can lead a horse to water.
  • I understand about the quote issue - I was simply playing devil's advocate and asking.
  • Oh no problem; that's a good thing :)
  • I'm doing the website and internet related stuff for a music/hiphop crew called versbox (= "a box of rhymes") coming from germany. They release most of their tracks under a creative common license — and we're using the great Vanilla forum.

    Don't know if that is what you think of by using the term "music site"? :)
  • awesome design on versbox, 413x.
  • Looks good to me 413x :-D
  • That's brilliant. Nice one. Nothing says "music site" like Vanilla wrapped in an old skool boom box!
  • well, I also started using vanilla this weekend for my bands website.

    I'm still fideling with the CSS file to integrate the forum with the website.

    I'm aming for a simple and versatile look so it can house 3 languages, English, Portuguese and Spanish.
  • hellfish - i've seen your url before...somewhere. here's an audio project site i started working on a while back...just opened up the forum to public viewing. it's still in proxy filler text mode :\ the concept for the site was to use it for audio oriented collaborations and such.
  • C-unit, you are absolutly right.
    The thing is that I don't know exactly where to put it (either a link or the menu)

    deel, that's nice to know.

    I'd love to hear more about your project concept. To be honest, I couldn't get much from the website.
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