Is the old Voting Plugin (QnA) still available for those of us using Vanilla for QnA purpose?

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
@Todd / is the old Voting Plugin (QnA) still available for those of us using Vanilla for QnA purposes. It has been immensely useful for us.

You can possibly name it as the QnA+Voting Plugin whilst the new one as the Voting Plugin.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    I've added the documentation for changing the text here.
  • Hey, @Todd !

    One idea: there is already a dashboard entry for the plugin to activate / deactivate it... why not make use of that and allow the admin to put whatever they want there for the language definitions?

    Hmm, but there is a trick to it, the plugins folder should not have permissions 777 (read,write,execute) and the definitions file should have write permissions.

    I'm not a point and click fan, but I think it would be helpful for many of the admins to not pop up a terminal and go editing around, but keep the user in the Vanilla friendly environment all the time (where you have permissions, validation checks etc.).

    Just a thought,

  • edited February 2011
    I've added the documentation for changing the text here.
    thanks, I really like the QnA thing
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