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Categories? Usergroups?

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I run a small non-profit with a somewhat active vbulletin forum. We are working on redesigning our website and the developers recommended vanilla forums.

I'm looking through here and elsewhere and I haven't yet seen a single vanilla forum that has actual categories. Can you create different sections on the forum for different topics? Seems like such a ridiculously basic feature I am dumbfounded that no vanilla forums I've seen has it.

Also, if it is possible to create different forums within your site, can you grant some users permission to see/post that forum and block access to all others?


  • Yes, you can create subcategories and root categories. You can change their permissions to grant only a certain usergroup from accessing it as well. You can also change the homepage view to a categories list instead of a latest discussions list too.

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • Ok, thanks. :)
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