User info overwritten on same line

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am not sure if this should go under extensions, styles, or bugs...

When I am logged in as an admin and I go to view a user's info, "style" and last known IP" are written onto the same line - unless the user has gone in and specificed which style they would like to use. Below are screenshots of what I mean -

When style is specified

When style is unspecified

Is there a quick fix to this? It isn't a major problem, just more of an annoyance.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Are you running 0.9.3 or 0.9.2?
  • I forget what the old topic was, mark, but I think that one little css bug has cropped up again.
  • I had a similar problem when the title (which has position:absolute set, so doesn't take up any room) is more than one line long.
  • we are running - I will try goin to 0.9.3
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I wasn't suggesting that you go to 0.9.3 (which is difficult if you aren't a programmer), I just wanted to know which application you were using so I could better advise you.

    This is a very easy fix in 0.9.2, and when I'm sober tomorrow, I'll tell you how to do it.
  • Hahah, reading that in England at 9:46am is quite amusing.
  • I was wondering why you people were up at 4am. Me, I'm just crazy.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Open up extensions/Style.php and change lines 468 - 470 from this:

    $StyleOption .= "<a href=\"javascript:SetStyle('".$AccountUser->StyleID."', '".($AccountUser->StyleID == 0?urlencode($AccountUser->CustomStyle):"")."');\">".$AccountUser->Style."</a>"; } else { $StyleOption .= $AccountUser->Style;

    to this

    $StyleOption .= "<a href=\"javascript:SetStyle('".$AccountUser->StyleID."', '".($AccountUser->StyleID == 0?urlencode($AccountUser->CustomStyle):"")."');\">".ReturnNonEmpty($AccountUser->Style)."</a>"; } else { $StyleOption .= ReturnNonEmpty($AccountUser->Style);

    that should fix it. Let me know either way.

    Cheers :)
  • OK - I will stick with 0.9.2 then... Obviously I am not a programmer if I have NO clue where to even look for this. I do have some experience customizing php files and creating simple objects, so I shouldn't have a problem implementing a simple fix. Thanks for the help, BTW. You guys are quick!
  • Will everyone please rise and salute Mark for a job well done? I KNEW it was something with those two lines! I tried throwing all the html/php/horse crap I knew in there... BAH! That was driving me crazy! Thanks so much!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    no problem :)
  • There's a reason why they call it Beta :) Hopefully this will all get sorted in the near future :)
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