Anyone tried Chatsum?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
"Chatsum is a FREE add-on for your web browser that lets you chat with all the other Chatsum users that are looking at the same website as you" Might be pretty interesting to use whilst on here?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Sounds cool!
  • I've used something like it before way back in like '99. The novelty wears off pretty quick.
  • What jesusphreak said. Otherwise, you're gonna be stuck talking to some really silly people as long as you use this.
  • Hmm ok then, won't bother trying it. Still think someone should write that AJAX chatroom extension for Vanilla though :-D
  • edited January 2006
    I just subscribed to the beta, and it will be released next week, so if someone wants to philosophise with Bitey, they are welcome. He is always on about how Roadrunner defines Wile E. Coyote and how if Roadrunner ceased to exist Wiley would cease also because Roadrunner is defining who he is. Is the duality of Wiley actually a bird, and how Acme is actually the physical manifestation of Wiley's need to catch the Roadrunner. Find out the answers to these and many more, from Bitey.
  • (I'm on the beta list as well maybe see you and Bitey around)
  • Wile E. Coyote ain't no FireFox.
  • edited January 2006
    Wile E. Coyote ain't no FireFox.

    Yes, he is light years past that stage, he is BEYOND Firefox.
  • is it because he's now EXTREME?
  • i'm using chatsum now. the beta testing is underway.
  • I'm in as well
  • this meta-meta stuff is getting boring
  • I'm getting pissed off at all the emails, I was the one who suggested Vanilla forums in the mailing list.
  • (the signup form for Chatsum is lurverly, watch it change as you select different options...)
  • @ c-unit
    i wondered who that was ;-) forums would be good i agree. although i have just set up a label in my gmail to filter it all out of my inbox.
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