Potentially a lame and embarassing question

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi - I'm working on setting up a forum and I've run into what I imagine to anyone but myself is probably an easy to solve problem. We'd like for our forum to be able to be read by non signed in members. The only feature I can find relating to this is under Application Settings. I've checked the "Allow non-members to browse the forum" box. Yet when I go to the forum as a non member no open discussions (or any discussions) appear. Am I completely missing something? Thanks!


  • Make sure at least some categories can be read by all roles.
  • All of the categories I've set up thus far can be read by every role (excluding banned). Member is the default role, which each category allows for. ?
  • edited January 2006
    People who are not signed in get set to banned.

    It wouldn't make any sense for someone to have *greater* privs when they were signed out than when they were signed in
  • http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:administrators:privateforum
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    This is a stupid glitch in 0.9.2 that is fixed in the next version, but you should be able to get it working following the instructions on lech's link.
  • Thanks for the help guys, my problem was that I didn't have 'banned' members checked. All is well, thanks again!
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