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How do I redirect old browsers to the Mobile theme?
I have a lot of users that are forced to use old versions of IE in corporate environments. How do I redirect these guys to the Mobile theme so it's more functional for them?
I have a lot of users that are forced to use old versions of IE in corporate environments. How do I redirect these guys to the Mobile theme so it's more functional for them?
Look for this code in library\core\functions.general.php
function IsMobile() { $Mobile = 0; $AllHttp = strtolower(GetValue('ALL_HTTP', $_SERVER)); $HttpAccept = strtolower(GetValue('HTTP_ACCEPT', $_SERVER)); $UserAgent = strtolower(GetValue('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER)); if (preg_match('/(up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|opera m)/i', $UserAgent)) $Mobile++;
I think that you get and idea how to change this.