Google is not indexing my vanilla forum

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I have had a vanilla embeded forum running for more than a month now, but it seems that Google doesn't index any of my discussions. What am I doing wrong?
I also have the plugin SEOCompanion installed.


  • did you add your site to google webmaster central?
  • Before considering why it does not index your forum, does Google visit your forum in the first place?
  • edited February 2011
    Ok, it seems that , which is the main discussions page, is indexed. It's included in my sitemap and is being crawled. But I think the discussions are not being crawled at all. The robots.txt is not restricting it and when trying to Fetch as Googlebot in webmaster tools, it succeeds.
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    thats one of the downsides of using an embedded forum.. it doesn't get indexed

    you would have to hardcode the forum into your site for it to be indexed with the rest of your site

    or do what i do, which is use the forum as the basis of the site and build out the community from there (there is a great blog addon now)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You can also put your forum on a subdomain of your domain, and put an htaccess file in place so that Google knows to use your actual forum url when it hits your embedded forum url.
  • Thanks for the answers guys!

    Can you explain that a bit better Mark? If I set my forum in a "" subdomain for example, what would I need in that htaccess file? Google would index all the discussions in that domain but showing the embedded forum to the people?
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