Posting from outside vanilla.

Hi, I want to integrate vanilla and my wordpress blog. I want to replace the comments feature with vanilla threads. Can i trigger a PHP function that starts a thread in vanilla what files do i need to include? E.g. require('vanillaConfig.php') ; post2vanilla('threadTitle', 'threadContent') ; Once this is complete i might ask for more help but that'll do me for now :P


  • Alternate question: will Swell allow for this?
  • edited January 2006
    You probably can't do it that easily. PHP isn't so advanced as to have any kind of namespacing, so any classes or global functions/variables that have the same name in Wordpress and Vanilla will crash into one another. You're probably going to have to get your hands dirty with the database.
  • lots of wordpress function start with wp_ i'll check through the wordpress folder. I'm not so good with classes- where is the piece of code that starts a new thread located? Maybe a quick copy and paste is in order. (by require("vanillaconfig.php") i was talking about the file that connects to the sql database.
  • ... please help me... this thread seems to have been abandoned... To start, can someone give me a run through of what happens (in vanilla) when i click "start a new discussion" and post it into a category called "blog"
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited January 2006
    I'm working on an extension for swell that will allow vanilla-style comments for registered users (ie. multiple formats, etc).

    Taking it a step further and having a separate "forum" that treats every blog entry as a discussion title/first post is not a very big deal.

    One of the ideas I got over the weekend (while playing guitar, strangely enough) was to add an "extension.php" file to the root of Vanilla that extension authors can use to add entirely new pages. Swell will have this ability also.
  • Yeah, it may not be a very big deal- but i still don't know how to do it :P I'll sit tight for Swell and try again then.
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