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How to redirect back to current page after signing in

edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
If a user is not signed in and decides to reply to a discussion, they will click on the "add comment" button and then the sign-in pop-up will appear. Problem is, when the user enters their details and signs in, it simply takes them back to the main discussion page or wherever i set my homepage in the dashboard, instead of taking them back to the specific discussion they were viewing just before they signed in.

How can i get it to redirect the user back to where they were?



  • AoleeAolee ✭✭
    im also concerned about this issue. click back button also won't help.
  • Plus 1 on looking for a solution. It's a simple thing, but most sites are able to do this. Are we missing something easy?
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