Swell templates

I know Mark's still being hush-hush about swell (and loudmouthed individuals like me are probably driving him insane) but,

how easy will it be to convert my wordpress template into a swell template?

it's not much, but i worked hard on that template. Don't really want to start over



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The nice thing about swell is that it is a very small application. While there are a bunch of templates available, 90% of them are for the administrative side- which you will probably never bother looking at. There are only three or four templates for the main blog screen, so styling shouldn't be *that* big a problem.
  • It's sounding more and more awesome.
  • I made html mock ups first anyways- so s'all good. any news on a release date? Like will it be days, weeks, months?
  • "When it's done" is the usual response.
  • If someone writes a "wordpress->swell" converter, I am sold.
  • "When it's done" is the usual response. Hehe, i feel like a scolded child. "When will dinner be ready?" "When it's done" "But I'm hungry NOW"
  • rofl
  • are we nearly there yet? Anyone got a WP database for me? :P
  • Mini: I can get you one when my server comes back online. :-\
  • edited January 2006
    Huh? You want the folder structure to a WP database? PHP MyAdmin Export of a Wordpress Structure looks like > http://www.fivetofour.com/wordpressDatabase.sql Boy, that folder structure looks bloated when you've spent all day looking at vanilla
  • I think the vanilla one is almost as long...
  • hokay. Now i just need a prototype swell off mark...
  • "I think the vanilla one is almost as long..." it's all the post2cat and postmeta that could be replaced that bugs me. The links manegar is just ugly when coded. (2/3 tables on it's own) Pretty nice idea though. But definatley sounds like an extension.
  • edited January 2006
    Hey minisweeper- i messed up. I exported the wrong database (i have both wordpress v.1.god.knows and v.2 installed) i'll upload the file to http://www.fivetofour.com/wordpressDatabaseV2.sql in a sec EDIT: Yep, one whole new table and everything. Second link should work now.
  • hahaha mini, the queue for Swell starts behind me :P
  • edited January 2006
    mattisfrommars: the wp_post2cat table is the proper way to establish a many-to-many relationship between posts and categories, which many people (including myself) have been suggesting to mark for months. Likewise, wp_postmeta seems like a perfectly valid way to store post metadata; what exactly is the problem? If anything, I take issue with how Vanilla stores user metadata as a flat string.
  • Agree to disagree then? I guess i've just got a wordpress shaped chip in my shoulder as it's hyped like crazy, and then doesn't live up to it. And i think there is only one logical way to decide who gets to use Swell first *slaps with leather glove* I challenge you to a duel, pistols at dawn!
  • FLCFLC New
    edited January 2006
    I guess i've just got a wordpress shaped chip in my shoulder as it's hyped like crazy, and then doesn't live up to it.
    I couldn't agree more there... If I could shoot the WP developers, I would without blinking, consatnatly fucking up what was a sound application when it was in the 1.2 stage, 2.0 is a completely fucked up piece of shit... But if you so much as raise your voice about this in the support forums, instant banz0r
  • I'll have to agree that wordpress is a slight pain in the ass and there are a couple dozen things I find very annoying with it. Mainly the way they automatically insert predefined CSS styles for you instead of allowing you to define it yourself for many of the links and such. As for the forum support, it's either non-existant, retarded to search for and the wiki now is fucking gone. And.. you can't even search the damn wiki anymore! but yeah, if you speak up, you're gone :\
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