One more thing...

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Bill Gates runs like a girl -


  • The guy should have added: "One more thing.. I'm a childish retard and I like kid stuff and fart jokes"

    There is one guy, who should really grow up, get a life and maybe even a girl (but that would be just inhumane.)
  • Oh man, I was hoping it would be that video from a couple of years back when they released a new version of Office or something. Microsoft did some promo video with him running around and jumping like a little prissy. It was pretty funny.

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    I like this picture. Steve Jobs looks eeevil =P
  • I like the mouse cursor in the top left. That's awesome!

    You're right though, Jobs does look evil. Gates just looks like he's let one rip.
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