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Analytics Plugin in Dashboard when viewed WP Embed, flashes/resets/dissapears/reappears

therobtherob New
edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

WP Version 3.0.5
Vanilla Version
WP Embed 1.0.5
cURL version 7.12.1
Hosting is Heart Internet

I am using the manual embed (copy and paste of embed code) of the forum in a page in WP (because the URL won't validate in the WP plugin setup) and when you view the dashboard with the analytics plugin (which is SO COOL) activated it flashes on, dissappears-resets, totally randomly, Not a big deal because I can just deactivate it but like I say it is very cool and I would love to make proper use of it.

There are no real error messages, it seems to be a js clash of some sort.
Anyone else having this problem?

Obviously I can just view the dashboard in the base URL... where it works fine, just not possible with the remote URL active, and also if you do set it up like that then I have been getting a 404 error when you click on the visit site button... sigh

Is there anyway I can set it up so it just works? could this be as a result of not being able to validate my url and use the embed vanilla WP plugin?

Thanks folks


  • I had this issue until I set the Vanilla Dashboard to display in the full window (which I prefer anyway)
  • @Pixelnated do you have any problems with it sending you to a 404 when you click on the visit site button?
  • are you talking about in the Remote Url to Forum setting? I don't get a 404 from there but get redirected to the embeded site.

    I was getting 404 errors from the recent topics widget pointing to http://mysite/forum#/topic instead of http://mysite/forum/#/topic but just setup a redirect to correct it for now
    Also helped with a lot of links that were broken after moving the site to the embeded version as well as from previous bbs systems.
  • When I have the Dashboard displayed in the full window if I click on the 'Visit site' button on the top left It does the following:

    Loads the discussions home page in a full window for a second...
    then redirects to the Embeded page but with the standard blue 404 page not found in the embed frame...
    and then that page reloads in a full window as the blue 404...

    I have tried a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file but I think there are already redirects on the pages somewhere else?

    I had a look at your post and I am sure it would be helpful if I knew a little more, but I don't think I know enough to start with...

    any advice appreciated
  • ok found the bit of code that was throwing everything and hard coded the correct URL into it... not upgrade proof but hey it works...

    if anyone else is getting the same problem as above including the page not found error then go to:

    applications/dashboard/activity/admin.master.php and change the following:

    <h1><?php echo Anchor(C('Garden.Title').' '.Wrap(T('Visit Site')), '/'); ?></h1>

    to <h1><?php echo Anchor(C('Garden.Title').' '.Wrap(T('Visit Site')), ''); ?></h1>

    If anyone has a better idea let me know I am clueless at the best of times!!!
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