Any talented artists want to donate an icon?

ddumontddumont ✭✭
edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
New screen caps posted to the plugin page...
I'm looking for a cool icon for the plugin, anyone interested in donating one?

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  • Try to search here - they use only free icons, but english terms and tag cloud work the same as russian ones.
  • I was hoping to get a custom one designed for the plugin to put on the plugin page, and possibly in the settings page.

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  • In such case I suggest to look at available ones, and after selecting few candidates change them using icon editor. As icon authors are rare breed, especially good quality icon authors :-)
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    check o ut as well.. very high quality icons available im sure you'll find one quickly
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    out of curiosity, how did you fit the google banner ad on top of the content? its a littel bit too wide on my forum..
  • @Raize I modified a few styles in the base theme... I manually merge the css every upgrade, I didn't want to make a whole theme for it. I'll probably make a push request to have them in base now that I've gotten set up to do so. Ty for reminding me about them :)

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  • ddumontddumont ✭✭
    With my addon now at around 500 download ( pretty cool ) I was hoping that some of those users might be inclined to come up with and donate an icon for the project site and the Addon site here.

    I'm still lookin, if you're good at making icons and like my addon, please consider it :)

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