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Adapt the Categories sidebar panel to only list subcategories when inside that category

How would you adapt the Categories sidebar panel to only list subcategories when you are in that category (either at the category level or viewing a discussion in that category or any of its subcategories)?


  • edited March 2011
    I think that you need to change corresponding module.

    Hope that core developers will be able to help with it more.

    My personal preference - to have folding view with ability to unfold categories upon click (not like tree - just like list in XP, without left padding). And current category will be unfolded automatically.
  • That solution would also be excellent - how would it work though if you wanted to view the category (if clicking just unfolds/folds it)?

    I noticed that the default panel code doesn't use nested lists.
  • Generally idea was to use clicking on title for categories with no discussions allowed.
    Otherwise you'll have down arrow at the right.

    Also this'll allow you to not intrude into module code (after initial changes), and just add small JS code into view file to open necessary category (or fold all, or unfold all, if you wish).

  • Sounds great.
  • We just need to find JS coder to do this :-)
    Or search for jQuery plugins, may be.
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