Why do i even bother



  • I've love it if Word had tabs.
  • Well, you could use OpenOffice and write a tab mod for it ;)
  • Well, I can't use OpenOffice at work because they'd kill me and the other thing is that I can't even code "Hello World" so writing a mod for something is beyond me.

    I really should learn.
  • Why on earth your employee would violate your active vitality if you used OOo? My employee, actually likes when I bring up new ways of saving money, those Office cds that we steal are not free you know :P
  • I work for the NHS so it'd be a major hissy fit. They, for good reasons, have a big thing on security so any software they haven't tested is a no go. They're very strict on it.
  • Very strict and very idiotic I might add. OOo is developed by Sun Microsystems, I don't see them making any more mistakes than Microsoft, and rather, I see Microsoft making more crucial mistakes than Sun. Or did I miss the "Sun Microsystems evil plan to cripple the whole world with their bug and security hole ridden free Office software"? But anyway, I understand, some companies can be bit of a bitch.
  • I see Microsoft making more crucial mistakes than Sun.

    JAVA, that's all I gotta say...
  • I agree with you Kosmo but there's nothing I can do. Well I could install it but it's easier to just sit back. At least I managed to be able to use Firefox. Despite the number of NHS sites that don't work properly in it.
  • There seems to be only 2 areas where IE is still king (albeit a tiny king). Windows Updates, and Banking. While I can't say for certain which is the most secure browser for banking (I'll have a stab and say it's not IE anymore) , I know that FF rules the web at rendering things correctly 99.9% of the time. As for windows update... bah, that's a no brainer.
  • Why can't they make a real program for updating windows, I had my work computer IE full of spyware crap and porn ads even when I hadn't touched the fucking thing after I completely formatted the computer and put a fresh Winnie in it. It was not that cool, so I didn't update my comp.
  • Well, the Automatic update app/bits or whatever it is works fine for updating windows without IE, I think. However, I'll have a guess that half of it implies that IE is installed on the system to begin with so that might just nullify my point all together. But yeah, I agree that it would be nice if windows shipped with the option to not have IE at all and allow them to just have a simple updater to execute when you need to update without blasted IE.
  • edited January 2006
    The main reason they can't "remove IE" is that lots of non-Microsoft programs depend on the IE browser control. They could remove the tiny shell IEXPLORE.EXE but that's not "removing IE".

    And to be honest, I don't think a HTML rendering control is an absurd thing to want a platform to have. Apple has WebKit, KDE has KHTML...
  • I know that FF rules the web at rendering things correctly 99.9% of the time. As for windows update... bah, that's a no brainer.
    Safari and Konqueror (most recent versions) are pretty good too, if not equal to FF1.5.
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