(dumb question) Changing "Why do you want to join this forum?"

Andy KAndy K
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi all, new user/admin here. I'm looking to change some of the text of the Application page. Namely, the paragraph that shows up on the left side, and on the right side, under the form, the "Why do you want to join this forum?" text. All I really want to do is change the phrases a little bit to customize the statements to my site (ie "Tell us a little bit about how you found this form, and why you want to join"). However, I cannot find this specific text anywhere in any of my files. I simply can't figure out where apply.php is pulling this text from? Can someone tell me the files where this actual text is, so that I can make some changes to it? "Why do you want to join this forum?" and "This membership application form does not grant immediate access to the site. All membership applications are reviewed by an administrator before acceptance. You are not guaranteed access to the application by filling out this form. Please do not enter invalid or incorrect information in this form or you will most likely not be granted access to the site. All information entered in this form will be kept strictly confidential." Thanks!


  • I believe you can find it in languages/English.php
  • what he said.
  • D'oh! Very interesting use of the languages folder. Virtually useless on every other forum I've installed/run, in this one it's pretty much the core of everything that happens. Very, very interesting. Thanks guys, that was literally the last place I looked. (^.^)
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