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Can't log into site at since changing custom domain

I successfully used the cname feature of 'custom domain' on my hosted forum this morning. At least, it was successful in that the domain now leads to the forum, but now nobody, including me, the admin, can log in, so I can't even get in to reverse the change.

My username and password are accepted (in that the red login error box doesn't appear) but the screen refreshes without my name in the menu or the 'dashboard' link

I've emailed support but maybe someone here knows how to resolve the problem.


  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    Try to delete your cookie.
  • I tried that, with no luck. I've also tried using browsers/machines that hadn't previously logged into it as well with no luck.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Hi there. I'll be responding to your support request by email momentarily.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • I am having a similar issue, I updated my custom domain and now i cant log into the admin area to make changes.. any help would be great!
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