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Wordpress/Vanilla crossposting

edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I came to vanilla because it seems far, far easier to integrate with wordpress than phpbb. I've been looking for a cleaner forum for awhile, so I figured it'd be great! However, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, as all I've been able to find on wordpress integration in the software itself are ways to embed the forum in the blog. I'd like integrated users, with crossposting blog entries into corresponding forum threads, where users can then comment on them. Is such a thing possible? Do plugins exist for it?

My googling has produced this thread, which is pretty old, but it seems to have a link for what I want on this very forum! The problem is that the thread it wants me to go to doesn't seem to exist anymore.

This is one of the threads I found:

And this is where it told me to go:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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