Reorganising Categories...

Hi all,
We are just about to start using Vanilla Forums for our schools internal staff forum and I have hit what I think should be our final stumbling block.
Everything is perfect but when trying to reorganise categories I get the error 'Oops...Didn't save properly'. Does anyone have any idea why this may be? I have tried giving full permissions to everyone on the entire Vanilla directory to see if it was a permissions issue but the error still appears.
If there is another was to reorder the categories I am happy to give that a go.
We are just about to start using Vanilla Forums for our schools internal staff forum and I have hit what I think should be our final stumbling block.
Everything is perfect but when trying to reorganise categories I get the error 'Oops...Didn't save properly'. Does anyone have any idea why this may be? I have tried giving full permissions to everyone on the entire Vanilla directory to see if it was a permissions issue but the error still appears.
If there is another was to reorder the categories I am happy to give that a go.
<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
// Conversations
$Configuration['Conversations']['Version'] = '2.0.16';
// Database
$Configuration['Database']['Name'] = 'FORUM2';
$Configuration['Database']['Host'] = 'localhost';
$Configuration['Database']['User'] = 'root';
$Configuration['Database']['Password'] = 'XXXXXXXXX';
// EnabledApplications
$Configuration['EnabledApplications']['Conversations'] = 'conversations';
$Configuration['EnabledApplications']['Skeleton'] = 'skeleton';
$Configuration['EnabledApplications']['Vanilla'] = 'vanilla';
// EnabledLocales
$Configuration['EnabledLocales']['British'] = 'en-GB';
// EnabledPlugins
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['HtmLawed'] = 'HtmLawed';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['VanillaTinymce'] = 'VanillaTinymce';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['ForceGuestSignIn'] = 'ForceGuestSignIn';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Categories2Menu'] = 'Categories2Menu';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['cleditor'] = 'cleditor';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['CivilTongue'] = 'CivilTongue';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['EasyReply'] = 'EasyReply';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['EMailSubscribe'] = 'EMailSubscribe';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Emoticons'] = 'Emoticons';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['FileUpload'] = 'FileUpload';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Gravatar'] = 'Gravatar';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['VanillaInThisDiscussion'] = 'VanillaInThisDiscussion';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Poll'] = 'Poll';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['PostCount'] = 'PostCount';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Signatures'] = 'Signatures';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Quotes'] = 'Quotes';
// Garden
$Configuration['Garden']['Title'] = 'BSF Manchester Technical Forum';
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Salt'] = 'XXXXXXXX';
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Version'] = '2.0.16';
$Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = FALSE;
$Configuration['Garden']['CanProcessImages'] = FALSE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Installed'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'error.master.php';
$Configuration['Garden']['Theme'] = 'default';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SupportName'] = 'Forum Admin';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SupportAddress'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['UseSmtp'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpHost'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpUser'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPassword'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPort'] = '25';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpSecurity'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['Method'] = 'Approval';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['CaptchaPrivateKey'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['CaptchaPublicKey'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['InviteExpiration'] = '-1 week';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['InviteRoles'] = 'a:3:{i:8;s:1:"0";i:16;s:1:"0";i:32;s:1:"0";}';
$Configuration['Garden']['Update']['LastTimestamp'] = 1300285652;
$Configuration['Garden']['Update']['Count'] = 1;
$Configuration['Garden']['Html']['SafeStyles'] = FALSE;
// Modules
$Configuration['Modules']['Vanilla']['Content'] = 'a:6:{i:0;s:13:"MessageModule";i:1;s:7:"Notices";i:2;s:21:"NewConversationModule";i:3;s:19:"NewDiscussionModule";i:4;s:7:"Content";i:5;s:3:"Ads";}';
$Configuration['Modules']['Conversations']['Content'] = 'a:6:{i:0;s:13:"MessageModule";i:1;s:7:"Notices";i:2;s:21:"NewConversationModule";i:3;s:19:"NewDiscussionModule";i:4;s:7:"Content";i:5;s:3:"Ads";}';
// Plugins
$Configuration['Plugins']['GettingStarted']['Dashboard'] = '1';
$Configuration['Plugins']['GettingStarted']['Plugins'] = '1';
$Configuration['Plugins']['GettingStarted']['Categories'] = '1';
$Configuration['Plugins']['GettingStarted']['Profile'] = '1';
$Configuration['Plugins']['GettingStarted']['Discussion'] = '1';
$Configuration['Plugins']['GettingStarted']['Registration'] = '1';
$Configuration['Plugins']['FileUpload']['Enabled'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Plugins']['Signatures']['Enabled'] = TRUE;
// Routes
$Configuration['Routes']['DefaultController'] = 'discussions';
// Skeleton
$Configuration['Skeleton']['Version'] = '1.0';
// Vanilla
$Configuration['Vanilla']['Version'] = '2.0.16';
$Configuration['Vanilla']['Categories']['Use'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Vanilla']['Categories']['MaxDisplayDepth'] = '0';
$Configuration['Vanilla']['Categories']['DoHeadings'] = FALSE;
// Last edited by MikeBerry ( 05:01:47
Fortunately this is an intranet site anyway, but good point, well made!
If you set your tree left, tree right and depth correctly, it SHOULD show correctly in your dashboard categories as well as your view. Make sure the tree left and tree right values encompass the sub category tree values. i.e.
Depth 1 - 1 6 Depth 2 - 2 3 Depth 2 - 4 5 Depth 1 - 7 x
I hope that makes sense.
My category numbers are:
How do I calculate my left and right values?
There was an error rendering this rich post.
All of your Main Categories (depth==1) should then have Tree ranges that fall between 0 and Z following this pattern (TreeLeft ... TreeRight):
Cat a: 1+1 (or 2) ... a (Note '1+1' is the first category only)
Cat b: a+1 ... b
Cat c: b+1 .. c
Cat z: y+1 ... z
where z == Z-1
Then each subcategory (depth==2) should follow a similar pattern:
Cat aa: 1+1+1 (or 3) .. aa (Note '1+1+1' is the first category's first subcategory only)
Cat ab: aa+1 ... ab
Cat ac: ab+1 ... ac
Cat az: ay+1 ... az
where az == a-1
This same patten should hold true for each depth level.
Here is a simple example for a forum with a category for Cars and two subcategories, one for Fords and one for Chevys
Silly question for now : do you edit your database record by record or do you cook up a SQL query (which I would love to see)
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Chuffed isnt the word!
Must have been something it didnt like with my original install, but i'm at a loss to explain what... I am however now using WampServer rather than relying on my own manual installation and config.