so whatchya think? (journalphoenix)

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I did a revamp of my site journal phoenix and am seeking feedback. Mainly on typography stuff. Or any constructive comment, really.



  • It's ok, easy to read (that is about all in internet typography). I don't like the overall design, but the most important thing is that it is easy to read.
  • Adding extra nested divs just for rounded corners = bad.
  • Adding extra nested divs just for rounded corners = bad.

    Agreed, there are few better ways to do it.
  • I did it the corners that way so that it would scale down in 800x600 monitors. If I did three different images (header, content, footer for each item) I'd lose that.
  • The site looks ok.

    If you want rounded corners a bit easier have you considered using this?

    Might be good :)
  • If you can sacrifice the colored borders, you can do the mountaintop rounded corners, but if you must have some graphical effect on them, you can always use the neat and nifty rounded corner trick (Part I Part II).
  • yeah, they look like they've been "Bevel and Emboss"ed. Which is, in my opinion, the worst thing to ever grace photoshop. Overall though, some cool ideas in that layout
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