Good luck, let me know if someone has a simple answer.
I'm about to embark on customizing the way Vanilla renders links in Discussions lists because to 'jump to last Comment' # is just plain broken.
What do you mean by broken? I've been using vanilla 2 since 2009 and it works for me, with occasional misplacement when an image loads late and moved the last comment down.
I'm about to embark on customizing the way Vanilla renders links in Discussions lists because to 'jump to last Comment' # is just plain broken.
In file /applications/dashboard/modules/class.headmodule.php need to replace:
return ConcatSep(' - ', GetValueR('Data.Title', $this->_Sender, ''), C('Garden.Title'));
return ConcatSep(' - ', GetValueR('Data.Title', $this->_Sender, ''), GetValueR('Data.Discussion.Category', $this->_Sender, ''));
I've been using vanilla 2 since 2009 and it works for me, with occasional misplacement when an image loads late and moved the last comment down.
Edit: it's OK, I've seen your other comment.
There was an error rendering this rich post.