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Clicking Quote link doesn't put text in text area

The quote Add-On has been working well for me in testing but now no longer works. I click on the quote text link and the screen moves down to the text area but no text at all is entered into the box.

Not sure if it's coincidence or not but my Votes boxes floating on the left of the posts area have also disappeared.

Why does this stuff happen a few days before going live! :)

Any help would be great thanks.


  • lucluc ✭✭
    We had the same issue, my wife disabled/reeanabled and it was OK.

    Maybe the order (surely being last one to load when reenabled) is important.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    When it scrolls down to the bottom it is busy doing an Ajax request for the quote data. Perhaps check firebug for an error.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • I'm having this same issue. Not seeing any errors.
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