Nice web app for client documentation download system?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Need something for a website that allows the following:

Secure login for each client.
List of various documents for each client once they're logged in.
Admin page to set up logins, and add/edit/delete documents for each client.

That's it.

Anyone know of any nice readymade solutions I could bolt onto a website? (Almost like Basecamp but stripped back to its bare bones, but keeping some nice ajaxy stuff if poss)

Or could someone build this for me if the price was right?


  • We are not fancy, we just use a simple web page that we update by hand to include the new documents, it's basically a long list of document links and they are under categories with anchor links to the categories.

    Then we upload the files to server via ftp and the whole thing is "secured" with .htaccess file
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited January 2006
    That would work for sure.... but think they might be after something easier to use... hmmm
  • sounds like filebrowser with an upload script and security.
  • ooooh i like the sound of that. would that be hard to program?

    also, it would be for word docs and pdfs i imagine, so would need to have icons for them as appropriate instead of image thumbnails.
  • edited January 2006
    You might be looking for something like this Also, a neat thing, Flash 8 has a file upload feature, the "celerondude" was talking about it i his site, so you can just check the main page. :edit: I think Lech has something behind his back, some hacked version of the celerondude uploader. Don't know, he is a sneaky bastard, and always hiding something, so I suggest that you interrogate him.
  • Ooooh Flash, dangerous, but could work... think it'll need to be html based
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited January 2006 could do the trick though, with a few mods, cheers dude lech, any info???
  • lol @ kosmo, I simply hacked up an earlier version of the Celeron File indexer, nothing more. Expanded it quite a bit with some help to do what I wanted. :) Uploader from what I'm told (haven't tried it personally) is pretty robust and manageable. The only thing you'll really want is a compatible gdlib to generate all the little thumbnails of your docs. Give it a try, what's the worst that could really happen?
  • lol @ kosmo

    Cute and cuddly! Fangs! Claws! Blades! *meow*
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