Filebrowser Question: Folders w/ Date are Out of Order

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
The folders I've created in Filebrowser 1.2.0 are labeled by year (2002, 2003, etc), but when Filebrowser lists them, they are out of order. Any help with this? It's driving me nuts.

Problematic Folders Here


  • I got the same problem.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited January 2006
    puck, you're using an older version of the filebrowser that doesn't support folder sorting. If you upgrade to the latest one your config.xml will look a little different. Here is the one from and version 1.3.3 of the filebrowser:

    <ApplicationConfiguration> <PageTitle>Lussumo Filebrowser 1.3.3</PageTitle> <PageIntroduction> [strong]This is the Filebrowser.[/strong] It is another free product from Lussumo that you can use to easily browse directories on your website. You can download the latest version of this product at [a href=""][/a] </PageIntroduction> <BrowseSubFolders>true</BrowseSubFolders> <DateFormat>Y-m-d</DateFormat> <DisplayHiddenFiles>false</DisplayHiddenFiles> <FilesPerPage>10</FilesPerPage> <FitImagesToPage>true</FitImagesToPage> <HideFiles>thumbnailer.php,index.php,.htaccess</HideFiles> <MaxFilesPerPage>60</MaxFilesPerPage> <MaxThumbHeight>100</MaxThumbHeight> <MaxThumbWidth>100</MaxThumbWidth> <PluginHeight>500</PluginHeight> <PluginWidth>500</PluginWidth> <SortBy>Name</SortBy> <SortDirection>asc</SortDirection> <StyleUrl>_default.css</StyleUrl> <ThumbnailerStyleUrl>_thumbnailer.css</ThumbnailerStyleUrl> <UsePageIntroductionInSubFolders>true</UsePageIntroductionInSubFolders> <UseThumbnails>true</UseThumbnails> </ApplicationConfiguration>

    The "SortBy" setting is what you are looking for.

    All of this is documented here:
  • If you read them from left to right instead of reading the columns from up to down, it's in order :-)
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