New topics vs new posts?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there! RSS feed is very useful tool, but in Vanilla, kind of useless.. for me. Ok, I can see if there is any new topics, but what I really need is to see list of last 10 new posts (replies) in various topics. It can be solved via e-mail notifications too, but why god created RSS? :) Is this feature planned to implement in new version 0.9.3 of Vanilla?


  • God didn't create RSS, Netscape did! But if you really want to customize your RSS, it should be easy enough to tweak in 9.3 when it's out. Not extremely easy, but not difficult if you know how to program :)
  • I praise Netscape now.. ;) Noticed, that lussomo site has option to live bookmark topics, it's very useful. Almost exactly that feature I am looking for. Is it ready-to-use in 0.9.3 beta?
  • It's an extension.
  • Name? Download URL?
  • It's included in 0.9.3
  • Thank you!
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