Custom Header & Footer

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Sorry if this is a jackass question, but I've been beating my head against this for too long. Here goes.... I'd like to "embed" a vanilla form inside an existing page that I didn't write. It's got it's own template (of sorts) with it's own javascript based navigation bar, etc. Could anyone point me in the direction of the files that I need to change in order to replace the header and footer related html elements in vanilla to match the ones on the existing site? The closest example to what I'm talking about is the forum over at Seed Magazine. The dude at Seed did it. Why am I having so much trouble? I do understand OO style PHP, but was hoping I wouldn't have to get too much into it here. I'm doing this for free for a local non-profit, thinking it would only be an hour or two of copy/paste. Argh. Thanks for any help anyone could provide. (Let the flaming of the NOOB begin...)


  • ithcyithcy New
    edited January 2006
    you could try a search :) for example...
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