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Can not delete Roles. looking to move all users into one Role

edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I've successfully imported my phpbb database into Vanilla. In phpbb we had several support forums for different services so a lot of my members are segregated into many groups. I'm looking to move all registered users into one group.

In the Vanilla control panel, when i try to delete a role, it gives me the warning that "79 user(s) will be affected by this action."

When i select another group from the drop down menu for them to move into, and click delete Vanilla just seems to hang. The progress bar moves, but nothing happens. Even after i abort the operation (30/40 minutes later) I check phpmyadmin and see the group still exists...

Is this a bug, can it be fixed or is there a query we can run in phpmyadmin to move all members (expect admin) into one group and delete the others.


  • Did you find out a solution yet - I tried this sometime ago and gave up because I just couldn't get it to work.

    I'm curious to know if there's a solution to this.
  • The table GDN_UserRole maps user IDs onto role IDs. You should be able to move the users by updating that table directly (after backing it up). Once a role has no more users in, then it may delete without any problems.
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