
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does Vanilla allow for post moderation? Other than having to apply for membership, is there a facililty for a moderator to have to approve each post as it comes through? or varying levels of this? Not a big fan of such micro-management in forums but we've been asked about it by a client....


  • Nope.
    Apparently it would be possible, but only with a lot of work.
  • It's a forum, not a blog. While you can have moderators to manage and hide certain posts, theres no such way to approve posts like in a blog. It appears right away and the management of such a means to posting would be a royal pain.
  • edited January 2006
    well, i know it's a forum and not a blog. i thought that there are forums out there that allow this kind of moderation and as we were asked if the forum we chose to use could provide it i thought it a fair question to post here. my next question would be: does anyone know actually if *any* forums provide this feature? telling the client "actually, no-one provides this kind of feature" would be a great help, but i could have sworn phpBB provides something like it...
  • I don't think it would be a *huge* modification to make posts hidden by default. A mod with sufficient privs could then come around and show them.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You could definitely do it as an extension in 0.9.3. As lech said, the actual moderation of this would be a royal pain, but it *can* be done with some minor db changes and some nifty extension programming.
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