Quicksilver... send emails with Thunderbird?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Anyone got this to work, do I need a plugin... can't get Quicksilver to do anything...


  • I've abandoned all email clients for webmail, man. I'm sick of having my virus scanner spaz out due to all the "return email to sender" faked messages sent by spammers using my email address. In other words, can't help you here :\
  • Well at least you took the time to reply to my message dude :-D It seems Quicksilver does Mail and Entourage, but not Thunderbird...
  • To be quite honest, I don't really even know what QuickSilver really even is? is it that privacy-minded remailer or whatever?
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited January 2006
    "A unified, extensible interface for working with applications, contacts, music, and other data" Basically it's the inspiration for Spotlight on OS X.... hit Apple+spacebar... then start typing and it will guess what you are looking for... the more you load something up on it, the closer to the top of the list it gets, so eventually you can open your most used apps/files with about 2 keystrokes... and a whole bunch more that I don't understand yet... as it can link up to apps as well to do certain things like send an email, copy/paste etc.... http://docs.blacktree.com/quicksilver/what_is_quicksilver
  • Now that sounds good.

    /me wants a mac still. Waiting for dual boot though.
  • What do you want to do? Have you asked at the Quicksilver forum? If they can't give you a good answer at least you might get your Thunderbird plugin quicker.

    Quicksilver is really the greatest thing about owning a Mac. It increases productivity amazingly (which is all sucked up by digg, ars and flash cartoons/games). It's a bit hard to find some of the hidden features though (like Web Searches, or Menu Bar Items...)
  • I just want to type a note, then send it to an email address. According to Quicksilver forum there is no Thunderbird plugin yet because Mozilla use some strange internal format to store addresses etc.... But, I've worked out I can type a mailto:joe@bloggs.com?subject=hello&body=blahblahblah and this works... so now I just need to try and assign a trigger to each mailto i want to use and might be sorted...
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