iphoto-style image resizing using javascript?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just saw this: http://www.agilepartners.com/blog/2005/12/07/iphoto-image-resizing-using-javascript/ And wondering if it could be added to Filebrowser?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That is dope.
  • I've been meaning to add that to my zenphoto gallery for a few months now.
  • /me congratulates mark on excellent use of 'dope'
  • Wouldn't work too well on large photos, though, as it's the browser that resizes, not the script. Especially on browsers which manage memory like Firefox, it'd be a lot less helpful to the client resource-wise to attempt that method with bigger files.
  • Would be ok for thumbnails?
  • I'd be happy to see that implemented.
  • my filebrowser wishlist: 1. editable description for each image 2. optional thumbnail for each folder, random or chosen 3. fancy slidey graphics size thingy 4. someone to program the above hehe
  • bumpty bump. sorry.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    As you can imagine, filebrowser upgrades are pretty low on my to-do list. The hardest part of what you are requesting is that there is no security built into the filebrowser - and that is a pretty hefty task - you can't just let anyone edit descriptions. I have a bunch of ideas for the next revision, but I'm going to be working on some image integration into swell before I get to the filebrowser. I'm hoping that I get some neato ideas from the swell development that I can take to the table when I get to the Filebrowser again. One of my biggest beefs with the filebrowser is the thumbnailer. Mini suggested this about 2 minutes after I released version1 of the thumbnailer: but why do you have to navigate the thumbnailer folders individually to thumbnail things? Why not have the thumbnailer traverse the directory tree for you? So, that is a feature I will definitely be doing in the next rev. The thumbnailer will not have any navigation. Just a list of every image in the directory tree and a checkbox next to each one.
  • Jeez man. Even i'd forgotten i suggested that :|
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It's a damn good idea, though.
  • Well, You know, I'm awesome. IF you want to hire me as a full time idea generator when you're making millions off this you know where i am...
  • HK something, damn need to go back and check.
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