Drupal and Vanilla SSO + embed with the orchid module

edited April 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi everyone !
I started a new drupal module which integrates vanilla and drupal : orchid.
It provides SSO via ProxyConnect, and a drupal block and panels pane for easy use of vanilla embed system :)

You can download it here (for Drupal 6.x or 7.x) : http://drupal.org/project/orchid

and view a screencast of this module in action here (please excuse my boring english :p ) :



  • it gives me following error when I try to configure it;

    Warning: Parameter 1 to orchid_settings() expected to be a reference, value given in drupal_retrieve_form() (line 771 of C:\wamp\www\drp1\includes\form.inc).
  • hello !
    Can you tell me for which version of drupal you have got this issue ?
    I will investigate on this ;)

    Thanks for the report !
  • I got latest version installed on localhost (version 7)
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