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edited April 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

sorry i fixed this issue which was nothing iw as talking about here...


  • judgejjudgej
    edited April 2011
    Could you define what you mean by cookies vs database sessions? They are kind of two different aspects of the same thing, so far as I can see (cookies identify a session for a user and browser, while the database can be used to store the details of that session), so your question is not making a lot of sense to me.
  • well exactly, i dont use cookies or have them set up, but i do use sessions to keep track of the users while they visit different pages in the site. According to the wiki document, it said it was looking for cookies , or cookies of your choose.. so i was just wondering if i had to have them installed or if my session tracking was good enough? as i use the session to get the ID, Email, and username
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