[Fixed] Off-topic Site Trouble

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm sorry that this is completely unrelated to Vanilla, but there are lots of people around here who understand CSS. If it's really off-topic, feel free to remove it.

Anyway, here's the problem:
I've recently tidied up the main stylesheet on my site, http://www.soul-scape.com/
Now although I'm almost certain I haven't changed anything related to it, the tabbed navigation is playing up in a most peculiar fashion.

In Firefox, everything appears fine. Perfect.
However, in IE when you view the contact page, the first tab vanishes.
It is still there, because it reappears after a while if you constantly wiggle your mouse around over the tabs and select them (as if you were trying to select the text, by click and drag)

As I said I have no idea why it's doing this. Can anyone shed any light?


  • The frames make it very difficult to track the bug down...
  • looks like some silly render bug to me with IE, in your <a href="..." strings, I notice you have a space before the first closing ">" bracket. While I know it might not seem as much, I have noticed really stupid things occur when IE starts parsing source that's weirdly formatted and tagged. As a result, stupid impossible to locate bugs occur when everything is done. try cleaning up the nav links and see if that fixes it.
  • Bergamot: I changed the links so that you should be able to navigate without producing nested frames.

    Lech: I did as you suggested and that doesn't seem to make any difference.
  • edited January 2006
    You didn't close a link then exited a div... ie doesn't handle mistakes like this elegantly like other browsers... it'll just flip out and kill something.... In this case it counts the end of the /div as inside the a as is everything else until the end of the home link... so they all dissapear into render limbo. (probably hidden somewhere in your style or something) <div id="container"> <div id="title"> <h1><a href="http://www.soul-scape.com/">Soul-Scape.com</a> <a href="http://www.soul-scape.com/contact/" class="grey">/contact</h1> </div> <div id="nav"> <a href="" id="hometab">Home</a><a href="" id="abouttab">About Us</a><a href="" id="worktab">Work</a><a href="" id="conquesttab">Conquest</a><a href="" id="communitytab">Community</a><a href="" id="downloadstab">Downloads</a><a href="" id="contacttab">Contact</a> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="left"> Hope this helps... not a CSS problem at all :p
  • Ahh thankyou! It's always something simple isn't it.
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