looks a bit...wierd

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'll be the first to say that my eye for design is near non existant, but the homepage just looks a The text at the top seems kinda poorly contrasted or misplaced or something? Bit of a random comment and i hate to criticise where i clearly cant offer anything more constructive but i just thought i'd put it out there since i stumbled onto the page by accident and noticed it had changed. Anyone agree? Or have anything more useful to say? Or should i curl up in a ball...


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I never claimed to be a designer, but I like it...
  • Weird, the scanlines on the Vanilla and Filebrowser black bar thingy are gone just a black recktangle with the logos and text. Did it get changed?
  • C-unit: try clearing your cache.
  • I quite like the style of this and the home page.
  • I think it's fine, it follows the current flow of soothing colors and minimal design. There isn't just good design vs. bad design, design is in itself so broad concept that you can't just say what is good and what is bad. There are some sites that look flashy and nice, has radical design elements and all that, but the text is horrible to read and it doesn't fit for anything else than just the absolutely narrowed target market (coca cola is often doing this shit), then there is the design for freedom which I like the best, it's minimal, it gives the viewer the content clearly and gives alot of room to breath, and that where Mark's designs just rock, and that is why I love the vanilla default theme. So from a certain point of view, his designs fit the bill.
  • I think it'd be better if the blue wave background extended further down. So it covered all of the writing instead of stopping half way.
  • looks good to me.
  • Looks very nice I think, it was the first page I found whilst looking into Vanilla and it was also the page that made me think "fair play, these guys know their stuff" ^_^
  • Fair enough. Maybe it's just me then. I like it all except the text which seems out of place. Oh well. *curls up into a ball
  • Oh, I think I see now - you'd prefer the text to be pushed down a little? So it's below the wavey background image?
  • *dittos Kosmo.
  • blizeh - maybe. I dunno. like i say I have no idea whatsoever about design.
  • I think the text looks quite good on top of the wavey background, but I think the wavey background should extend further than the text. So if there's a lot of text, the wave gets bigger to accomodate.
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