Posts gone missing

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok this is really wierd.

I made a post on my forum last night. I check it this morning, and it's not there. One of my users reported this has happened before and I said i'd keep an eye out and well now i've seen it for myself.

Now the really wierd part is that in the cleanup extension are currently 6 posts and 1 discussion reported as hidden. I'm certain that I havn't hidden any of these! I have my forum preferences set to view hidden comments and discussions and the post that is missing is definitely not displaying.

I'm not even sure if these are linked but either way something funky is going on. Anyone else had similar symptoms or know what might be causing this? I really don't know where to begin.


  • Is the post still in the database?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    1. Are you the only one with admin access?
    2. (as giginger said) have you looked at the database directly for it?
  • ok well it's not in the database. maybe my host restored my db overnight without telling me? there is another user with admin access but he didn't hide that post. he may have hidden the others. is there anyway to query the database to see what posts they are?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    select * from LUM_Discussion where Active <> '1';
  • thanks mark. how would i search out hidden comments?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited January 2006
    For comments within hidden discussions:

    select c.* from LUM_Comment c inner join LUM_Discussion d on c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID where d.Active <> '1';

    For individually hidden comments:

    select * from LUM_Comment where Deleted = '1';
  • ok what's strange in there is that all the comments that were hidden by me. and i dont remember doing 4 of the 6. the other two were test posts i had made myself. but the other 4 were actual posts by users, nothing wrong with them and no reason for them to be hidden at all!
  • Have you drunk heavily or taken drugs atall recently?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes. A lot of both. Oh wait. You were asking timberford. Nevermind, then.
  • lol no drugs for me but i do drink... i'll keep an eye out and report back if it happens again.
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