Vanilla Styled Banner/Image/Logo Template

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there, quite simply I'm looking for a banner/logo template that uses the Vanilla styled colours to go around the internets and advertise my new forum, was just wondering if anyone knew of any? I would do it myself but my graphics design 'skills' aren't up to much ;p Thanks


  • So you want a vanilla ad banner?
  • Hmm, not really, more a banner in the Vanilla colours with my own forum's name on it to go and post around the web :) Although technically it would be a good advert for Vanilla anyway, I defy anyone to use this forum software and not love it ;)
  • Any suggestions please guys? I'm looking to get advertising ASAP!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I do all of the designs myself (except for the logos which were designed by a friend of mine). I just use photoshop and make it up as I go along. I don't know where you'd get "stock" images of that sort of thing.
  • Try Leave the font set to Trebuchet, and pick out some colours to match those here....
  • Ahh thanks, I'll give it a try! :)

    Failing that I'm tempted to simply use the top image up there ^ and add some writing over it, maybe.
  • I suck :/
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