problems (random) with vanilla 2.17.8 and vanillapress theme

horia_mhoria_m New
edited May 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi all,

I have random access problems at a forum that is up and running and private:

1) some users complain that, after registering, when trying to sign-in, they get an error: "account not available" (or similar)
I could not reproduce these problems, but...

2) trying to reproduce this kind of problem, I had another sign-in problem:
with firefox 4, while having some other tabs with other websites open:
* I make a new tab for the forum.
* I sign in, then I sign out.
* I try to sign-in again, what seems to function, BUT:
the forum appears, and in the lower part of the page there appears again the "sign-in-page", inserted like a box in a box in the forum page.
I can sign in there, again, but nothing happens, and this kind of matrioshka (box in a box) page reapppears.
I tried to sign in with "remember me" checked or not checked. The same as above happened.
* then, I tried to close firefox completely.
* after restarting firefox those problems dissapeared. I could log-in normally.

Did anybody experienced similar problems? Thank you!


  • I am also using the theme "vanillapress" in that forum, and the plugin "private community" 1.0 by Mark Sullivan, that assures that a forum can stay private (you can see it JUST after logging in, not before).
  • I tested the problem again:
    as soon as I use a fresh (new) window in firefox 4, to access the forum, it works.
    If I use a new tab in a browser window, where there are already some other tabs active, then I get the errors described above.
  • I now have the same problems with Internet Explorer, as described previously.
    I am using also the "private community" plugin for the vanilla forum.

    Is nobody experiencing this!
    In fact, it works so miserable, that I am really pissed of, of this forum system that seemed at the start to be so nice and friendly!
  • I have the same problem when signing in. I always have to sign in twice before it successfully lets me.

  • Thanks, Anonymus, for posting.
    In my experience, you ca avoid the problem in firefox (FF4) by:
    using a *new window* and *NO TABS* when opening the forum page and signing in.
    if you open the page paralell with other pages in other tabs, in the same FF window, then you get the problem!
    In Internet Explorer 8, this problem seems not to occur.
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