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wordpress + vanilla - single sign-on

hey all.. I just installed vanilla on my server along with wordpress and got it embedded nicely. I found several different tutorials for doing all of this and just wanted to make sure I did it right.. and also would like to know if this is the best tutorial for linking up the accounts for 'single sign-on' for me.
right now i'm the only user on wordpress.. so it shouldn't be that hard for me. the users would mostly just be using the forum.. but when they did want to comment on a blog post or something on wordpress i'd like them to not have to login a second time or make a second account to comment on a blog entry.
should I follow this guide to achieve this:
or is there a better one?
also for the embed..
I'm currently using wordpress 3.1.2 with plugin Vanilla Forums 1.0.5
on Vanilla forums I have Vanilla Version 1.0.1 activated
should I have any other plugins on either wordpress or vanilla activated?
Thanks for this solution so far.
right now i'm the only user on wordpress.. so it shouldn't be that hard for me. the users would mostly just be using the forum.. but when they did want to comment on a blog post or something on wordpress i'd like them to not have to login a second time or make a second account to comment on a blog entry.
should I follow this guide to achieve this:
or is there a better one?
also for the embed..
I'm currently using wordpress 3.1.2 with plugin Vanilla Forums 1.0.5
on Vanilla forums I have Vanilla Version 1.0.1 activated
should I have any other plugins on either wordpress or vanilla activated?
Thanks for this solution so far.
here's some questions though. I watched the video posted in the help file for proxyconnect and it only showed the manual integration. I chose the wordpress integration since that's what i'm using.
EDIT: Read 3. first.. I didn't add it until edit.. but it's more important.. forget 1 and 2 for now.
1. on wordpress it asks for vanilla's cookie domain. but since I chose wordpress integration it's not giving me that information over there.. it just setup everything for me when I set it up on vanillas side and didn't show me anything except a success note. so do I leave the "Vanilla's cookie domain" empty on wordpress?
2. is it possible to change what page it goes to after login? I have vanilla embeded.. and instead of it going to the discussions page. i'd prefer it goto the homepage or return to whatever page they were on when they clicked sign in.
3. I'm trying to add a login link on the index page.. and my main problem i'm running into is the embed function I believe.
vanilla embed:
using the same mysql database for both wordpress and vanilla.
I added a login link in the header for wordpress.. and it redirects to:
it takes you to the correct login page.. but once you login it loads the entire site a second time inside of the embed frame.
any ideas on how to fix this?
if not.. do you think an ugly fix would work? such as making the login link on wordpress header link to a page inside of and I could make a header redirect to the actual login page? ..if still no. have any other ideas?
i'm really wanting to add all the user account links in the wordpress header.. so it's on every page.. and not just the vanilla page. (login/logout, inbox, my discussions, etc)
"Annual support & maintenance subscriptions give you faster response times and regular maintenance updates."
does this pretty much mean that their support team only helps the paid subscribers? ..and this forum is pretty much just for vanilla users to share their experiences and help each other?
I'm not trying to bash vanilla here.. I'm just curious if the support team will eventually respond when they get around to it.. or if this is solely for nonpaying members to help each other.
.Banner { display:none; }
to hide all the banner links since I have them at the top of my wordpress page instead of in the embedded page.
everything appears to be working out slowly.. i believe it works decently enough now to link people too.. i want to add the other signup options using facebook, open id, google etc.. but i'm receiving this error when trying to enable it.
This plugin requires the allow_url_fopen php.ini setting.
I use 1and1 shared hosting and they said to edit the php.ini file i can add one into any folder but it only works in that folder and not the subfolders like the .htaccess does.
so i created php.ini and added 1 line: allow_url_fopen = ON
I tried going to the plugins page and putting php.ini in: OpenID, OpenID/views, and OpenID/design.. but still getting the same error.. any ideas if i need to put the php.ini in any more locations?
also if you want to check it out so far you can goto:
I'm guessing it worked fine before the update? ..i haven't had to update yet after i added proxyconnect so updating may break it.. and you have to reapply something. not sure.
Mine too! I'm just having problems with comment...