and suggestions about the vanilla project
Anyway, I worked with the vanilla forum system a lot and now I am able to introduce !

I like vanilla a lot with its inheriting system : ) This is why I want to contribute with my experience I made with it. Some of them are very unecessary, but oh well why not posting them here anyway? I still hope my contributes are hopeful anyhow so here they are:
Vanilla, Code & Images

I'm not quite sure if I made the mistake or vanilla, but I were forced to inserted a break since a space between Content and Footer appeared all of the sudden. But that happened not only in the "Sign In" template.
by developing an own template for dear-clan, the most modifications were made in the CSS file. Of course the easiest way to modify this CSS file is with firefox in combination wtih web developer and firebug. Best addons ever. Sadly developing were sometimes hard since the vanilla developer decided to wrap some selectors int he css file:
I know you guys made that to visualize the code better and sometimes it sure is. But with just 3 selectors (for example: #foo a, #foo span, #foo div) it does not make sense after all and and searching for the exact same phrase which firebug gave me does not work by wrapping.
The RSS icon, which is a gif file, does not provide transparent. With a dark background you get results like this:
this is edited the rss icon and inserted some transparent pixels in it, here you go!
I'm going to link this post to Van2Shout addon question thread later. First inserting breaks between those 3 links is no good at all, there is an explanation in the following image : )
Also there were a space between 2 elements which should not be there:

Last but not least I have to say Vanilla 2 is using a old version of JQuery. This is not good since 1.3.2 is a very slow version compared to 1.4.* and so on. Also some methods does not exist in version 1.3.2 like delay. This is why I had to replace this jquery script.
I hope my contributes were some kind of helpful, thank you for developing vanilla : ) It's an awesome system indeed.
jQuery 1.6 came out yesterday, and I would certainly recommend moving to that. Many of the jQuery plugins that come with Vanilla are pretty old and buggy (especially with IE browsers) and many of those should be upgraded too. That is the beauty of using these third-party modules - they get maintained and bugs fixed for you.