Please help me sort my categories.

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited May 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I recently posted a thread about category issues - if I create a new category it automatically develops a nice new category URL, however, my existing categories don't have their own URL, and short of deleting them and re-creating them it doesn't look like I'll be able to do this.

Also, from the home page, is there a clear way of having the category listed? I'm thinking of having the category before each title in grey or somethnig (and clickable to view discussions in that category)

Finally! A way for users to block out certain categories, if possible?

Sorry to be a pain, but categoris have gone from not very important to suddenly massively important on the forum, I'd really appreciate any advice.

Thank you!


  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Ah! I just backed up my database, made new categories and moved all of the posts across (didn't know you could do that!) so that's one part sorted, it now also shows the category next to each discussion so that's another bit sorted (can easily mess around with CSS now!)

    So just the one thing remaining - is there anyway of users blocking categories?! :)

    Thank you!
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