New "Sticky" Category

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've made a new Stickies category and put all of the sticky discussions in it. It was bugging me that they were taking up so much room at the top of the screen, so I've just gone and blocked the stickies category for myself. Feel free to do the same if those posts are bugging you, too.


  • my personal preference would be to be able to block particular discussions from appearing on the main discussions page, much in the way you can block categories. cause if you post a new sticky i might not spot it.

    also watch out for posts dropping in there if people don't remember to select a category when posting.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Good points.
    I'm not adding that feature right now, though. Maybe someone will make it an extension.

    For the time being I moved the stickies category to the bottom of the category list.
  • I wanna make another extension but i'm not yet ready to get my head round a ton of database querying. If anyone has any easy requests i could do as a bit of fun i'd be happy to have a go...
  • nice
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