How to disable the preview button

battersbatters New
edited May 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
How to disable the "preview button" any message when creating new topic for the anonymous user? Because it causes the error did not have enough memory on any hosting


  • i want to hide preview button at anonymouse, how do this?
  • SS ✭✭

    .AnonymousCommentForm #Form_Preview {
    display: none;
  • there does not help, I added it to a file anonymouse.css but the button "Preview" to remain anonymouse
  • I have same problem with this plugin, When I click "Preview" button on creating new discussion, It show Error message (Not enough memory). Is there any fix for this ?

  • on line 346 and line 402 of class.anonymouse.plugin.php you'll find this code:

                            if ($Sender->DeliveryType() != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
                                $Sender->View = 'preview';
                                return $Sender->Render();

    comment the code and you'll get an edit screen rather than the php memory error when you preview the discussion. it's not a fix but it's far less annoying than the error.

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