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Help, one avatar for non-avatar users. like gravatar but without another server
how to make all users without avatars preset one single avatar, and when the user is registered it is automatically assigned this avatar. I do not want to use gravatar, because avatars are very long to be loaded from another server, and rarely ever loaded.
I want one avatar, uploaded to my hosting service to assign to all users without avatars.
Help, how to do this
I want one avatar, uploaded to my hosting service to assign to all users without avatars.
Help, how to do this
replace this line
$User->Photo = $Protocol.'' .'gravatar_id='.md5(strtolower($Object->$Email)) .'&default='.urlencode(Asset(Gdn::Config('Plugins.Gravatar.DefaultAvatar', 'plugins/Gravatar/default.gif'), TRUE)) .'&size='.Gdn::Config('Garden.Thumbnail.Width', 40);
$User->Photo = Gdn::Request()->Domain().Url('plugins/Gravatar/default.gif');