Flash Controls and More

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
We have been trying to implement FileBrowser to play Flash Videos. The problem is that in a normal page the controls are displayed, but when it is embedded by FileBrowser the controls aren't displayed. I was wondering if anybody knew of a fix for this problem? FileBrowser Embed: http://www.ksuicehockey.com/media/index.php?fpp=10&did=1-0-0&fid=1 File: http://www.ksuicehockey.com/media/Videos/2005-2006%20Games/2005-01-21%20--%20USF/Chris%20(Superfan)%20Rugg.swf Also, Filebrowser does not encode file paths with URL encoding. Maybe if FlashObject is to embed the flash that would work better. PS. Mark, learn shorthand CSS to simplify things and font names with more than one word require quotes. ANNNND... if it's version 1.3.4, it still says 1.3.3 in the official download


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just view source of the page to see how it is embedded. Finding that code within the filebrowser's source shouldn't be too difficult.

    Oh, and rather than me learning shorthand css, why don't you just provide a new css file so everyone can benefit from your knowledge? I've got plenty on my plate as it is.
  • The shrinker does not seem to work properly http://www.ksuicehockey.com/media/index.php?fpp=10&did=2-1&fid=6
  • Mark, you're using window width instead of the parent element width. That's why it is doing this.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited January 2006
    I didn't design the filebrowser to be used in the way that he is using it, so of course he will need to change things.
  • Well, we're both using. Both of us designed that site. But would not it be bulletproof to use parent element width? That way it would work for you original design and our design.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I guess not, but feel free to change it :)
  • edited January 2006
    I know that some people whined about prototype. But, I fixed it using prototype's getElementsByClassName to get DisplayItemImage's offsetWidth. By the way, why did you use classes instead of ids since they are used only once?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited January 2006
    As a rule of thumb, if you ask a question that can be easily followed with ", you idiot", don't bother saying it - it's rude.

    For example: why did you use classes instead of ids since they are used only once, you idiot?

    How about next time you just suggest a different method? Maybe something like:

    Hey, I find that when applying class names and id's to elements on a screen, if they only appear once it is best to use id's. I noticed that in the Filebrowser there are a lot of places where this would be benificial. Check out my changes below...

    That type of a post will be taken in a much brighter light.

    In response to your question:

    The filebrowser was written years ago when I was first learning php and I just needed something to do what the filebrowser does, and I needed it quickly. It has only undergone minor changes since then. I've been swamped with Vanilla development for the last few years, so I haven't touched the Filebrowser in a long time.

    Finally, this is open source software. If you don't like something, change it and tell us about what you did. That's how open-source software grows and gets better.
  • I appologize; insulting you was not my intention. I'll look into cleaning it up if I have time and if nick1presta does not do it since I'll probably use it in other places than KSU Ice Hockey.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks. Sorry for getting preachy - I've had a rough week and I'm a wee bit sensitive :(

    *cries river*
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