How does one embed xhtml in the page introduction?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
If I add it plainly, it whines. If I add it in CDATA, it says "Error Message: Closing tag for "![CDATA[" node not defined. Affected Elements: XmlManager.ParseNode();" Why does it not recognize ]]> for CDATA?


  • Alright, I found the info in the docs. The parser should support CDATA for crying out loud. [ ] <-- suck. Oh, well: PHP.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The xml parser is nothing special. I didn't want to have to support the wacky xml framework that "comes" with php, so I wrote a very simple, very fast parser on my own. Like you say: PHP :/
  • edited January 2006
    Yes, unfortunetly PHP is a mess. Wouldn't it be nice if PHP had .NET's System.Xml netspace?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hellz yes. I would die and go to heaven.

    I've been doing nothing but .NET professionally for years now and there are so many times I wish I could do it open-source as well. But you just can't reach the same audience with .NET :(
  • edited January 2006
    Yeah. I've been trying to write on and off a BitTorrent client in C#, now switched to Boo ( ) and did some stuff for Boo too. I've been dragging my feet due to other commitments and distractions. However, it's now dead since uTorrent is what I wanted from a BT client. I noticed that you were on the other side based on the coding style of Vanilla. It looks .NETish You tried to make PHP pretty, and that is almost impossible since it's got every coding style ever invented used for its builtin functions.
  • Port .net bits to php!
  • PHP can call .NET. I don't know the performance.
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