bbcode [url=] not working
Question about bbcode and the url tag
It looks to be working on preview but not on the actual post.
First, I went to conf/config.php and added $Configuration['Garden']['InputFormatter'] = 'BBCode'; which allowed for [ b] and all of that normal BBCode stuff.
Problem is [ url=whatever]title[ /url] doesn't work. (I'm putting spaces here so it doesn't link, but they're not in the actual post)
Works in preview, but when I view the post it looks like [ url=]Title[/ url] (again, no spaces). Everything after the = and up to the last ] is linked. It looks like it's autolinking before parsing the BBCode, or doing both.
Any suggestions?
It looks to be working on preview but not on the actual post.
First, I went to conf/config.php and added $Configuration['Garden']['InputFormatter'] = 'BBCode'; which allowed for [ b] and all of that normal BBCode stuff.
Problem is [ url=whatever]title[ /url] doesn't work. (I'm putting spaces here so it doesn't link, but they're not in the actual post)
Works in preview, but when I view the post it looks like [ url=]Title[/ url] (again, no spaces). Everything after the = and up to the last ] is linked. It looks like it's autolinking before parsing the BBCode, or doing both.
Any suggestions?
Is there a way to turn off autolinking between [ url=] and [ /url] so it doesn't happen twice?
Yup, that's what's happening. Looking at the source it does this
[url=<a href="][/url]" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">][/url]</a>
When this is what's in the post