free graphics app to open psd?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
is there any graphics application out there which can handle psd files and its layers (think it would be enough if it does in a rudimentary way... its just for changing text on buttons in a bought template that delivers with psd files for customizing)?


  • mac? windows? linux? commodore 64?
  • :D sorry... i'm using windows :-)
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited January 2006
    you could try the gimp - i'm almost positive it imports layered psd files

    (sourceforge is having problems at the moment so that link might not work for a while)

    there's also pixel32 which has a nicer interface than gimp - but costs $32 to buy after the trial period
  • well okay... $32 isnt that much, that would be okay. can you tell something more about pixel32? i see the screenshots and so on, but i mean your experiences with it... "feels" it good enough to use it for standard? the interface looks quite nice... @gimp: uh... i work very much with linux, but didnt notice gimp can handle this? oops :-> thx for that tipp too
  • i haven't used pixel enough to form an opinion, akb... there is a trial period, though...

    also i forgot to mention gimpshop which makes gimp act and look like photoshop.
  • i just checked - opening and saving a layered PSD works perfectly in gimpshop
  • thx... i'll check this out too :-) had to notice that gimp (2.3.6) and pixel32 cannot handle the text layers used in my bought template correctly *argh* it doesnt let me edit it... a google search told me this is because (in the case of gimp) gimp doesnt recognize it as a text layer correctly :-(
  • If it's just one file, I'd be happy to rasterize the text layers and send it back. If you need to do it for a bunch of files, that may not work.
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